Thursday, April 30, 2009

Pandemics, The Arts and Youtube

Pandemics have been sneaking around this earth for a long time, and people have been writing about them for centuries. The great 17th c. metaphysical poet, John Donne, described "plagie bills" (as in Bubonic) in several of his works. Even children have a nursery rhyme describing the effects of small pox ("ring around the rosie..."). And during the 1918 Spanish Influenza pandemic, a little ditty made the rounds about a bird named Enza (as in, influ"enza").

The current frenzy over the much-hyped swine flu pandemic has brought the songwriters out in droves. And, thanks to youtube, every person on the planet has access to these thrilling songs! For your listening and panic-filled pleasure, I have added a few of the lyrics and well as the youtube links. Enjoy!

Swine Flu Blues (deep Delta version)
"I like bacon and I like ham
never knew pork could kill a man
read your bible and see what it say about
cloven hooves -- stay away...."

The Swine Flu Cumbia (danceable South American version)
"All the particles are out, so you better not go outside
this is just like in the movies but we are no superstars
you better do the dance of the swine flu, you better do the dance
If you feel a little sick then you'd better dance around with me"

Swine Flu Song (U.S. Emo version)
"Please don't touch me if you're infected
And if you're not, then I stand corrected..."

Swine Flu Song (Great Britain jazz version)
"I ain't got no flu-like symptoms
It ain't the swine that has captured me..It's my OCD
It's how a hypocondriac reacts"

Monday, April 27, 2009

More songs you probably haven't heard but should

"JIQUE" by The Brazillian Girls -- yes, it's sung partly in other languages, but you'll get it

"SECRET HEART" by Ron Sexsmith --for every awkward person out there (meaning -- everyone)

"SWEET OLD WORLD" by Lucinda Williams -- The most beautiful ballad ever written about loss and gratitude

"ABSOLUTELY SWEET MARIE" by Jason and the Scorchers -- 150 times more rockin' than Bob Dylan's version

"WHISTLEBAIT" by The Collins Kids -- these kids could've been Joey Ramone's older cousins and rocked as teens in the 50's

"AL OTRO LADO DEL RIO" by Jorge Drexler -- the most glorious Uruguayan voice you'll ever hear

"YEAH, YEAH, YEAH" by The Blazers -- air-guitar worthy and a barnburner

"RED-HEADED WOMAN" by Bruce Springsteen -- ummm, perhaps I'm biased....

"ME AND MY CHAUFFEUR BLUES" by Clifton Chenier, or Memphis Minnie or The Appellations

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A slight re-definition....

To clarify from the earlier post: We don't just have a "personal" universe. Instead, it's how we personally respond to the universe that is true and essential. Be kind, loving and thoughtful in your response. Walk your dog and the dogs at the shelter! Call your mother! Visit the graves of your loved ones! Thank the volunteers at the hospital! Plant those spring flower! Notice the trees on the hiking trail! Kiss and hug your fabulous children! Say "I love you" to those whom you secretly or openly love! Wake up early to check out the pre-dawn stars! Welcome the sunrise and say thank you to the sunset! Turn off the TV! Reconnect with your college room-mates! Use your blinker! Download your favorite song! Write a note to your elderly relatives! Open the window and feel the breeze! Wave to your neighbor! Continue to seek what you desire! It's all there in the big, wonderful universe. If you choose to notice with kindness and with light and love, the balance will come.