Thursday, January 8, 2009

I'm Feeling the Clarity!

Was it a full moon? A change in atmospheric pressure? Something whispering into my ear as I slept? I don't know, but I woke up at my usual 5:17 am on January 5th and something was different. Decisions about which I had been waffling were instantly already made; a clear vision of what I want in 2009 was in my head; and I swear the pre-dawn stars were winking at me. All this before my first cup of coffee! How does sudden awareness and absolute clarity just decide to show up? I didn't do anything new or unusual the day before: no change in my herbal tea brand, no sudden flash of insight, no new haircut, no booming voices from on high.

Whatever the hell caused it, I am thrilled at its surprise arrival and plan to work hard to keep it from leaving. woo hoo!

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