Sunday, November 22, 2009

100 %

What is it that makes me feel 100% of myself? Is it when I am around my family? or completely alone? with one friend or many friends? making love or just playing a part in a fantasy? walking through a white-birch Michigan forest? sitting in a Baptist church? when the moon is full and orange? when I think I'm maybe in love? When my heart has been broken into a thousand bits? on the noisy street downtown? When I realize the truth? When the rain is pelting on the roof or the snow is settling quietly on the streets? at a loud concert with dancing co-horts? When a loved one has died or is very ill? while staring at the stars? when standing in a cornfield? in front of a dancing campfire or blind in the darkness of the moonless night? driving on a gravel or a tarvy road with hundreds of miles in front of me? In the ear-popping mountains or the horizontal flatlands? With an acoustic guitar singing in front of hundreds of people or just one person? or singing by myself? Talking to the bathroom mirror? or to one stranger at the local grocery store? Walking my big black dog? smelling sawdust? breathing in cool Fall and Winter temperatures? Or typing on my computer? Or sitting on my front porch or back patio? When I am talking with my grown-up children or Northern sisters or mother?

All of these. At one time or another.


Tracey and Aaron said...

I would add to the 100%-ness meter: parallel parking when it seems impossible to others, substituting one ingredient for another willy-nilly because that's what I have in the house and still serving up something good, enjoying picking the mail out of the mailbox.

xoxo and this is great. Thank you,


Tracey and Aaron said...

I would add to the 100%-ness meter: parallel parking when it seems impossible to others, substituting one ingredient for another willy-nilly because that's what I have in the house and still serving up something good, enjoying picking the mail out of the mailbox.

xoxo and this is great. Thank you,